The Ghana Civil Service, an active stakeholder in the digitalization agenda News Image

Date Logo 21st July, 2022


The Ghana Civil Service, an active stakeholder in the digitalization agenda

The Head of Civil Service, Nana Kwasi Agyekum-Dwamena, has said that the Ghana Civil Service is an active stakeholder considering the benefits of digitalizing in the Public Service space.

He recalled that the celebrated speech on Digitalization in November, 2021 at Ashesi University by H. E. Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, clearly outlines the benefits of digitalizing in the Public Service space. Thus, “we see the Ghana Civil Service as an active stakeholder”.

Head of Service also highlighted some achievements in the Service, evident of the digitalization drive as; improved performance management system, payment platform, development of eBID Web Portal (eBIDS), E-Recruitment, online promotion interviews, virtual service-wide capacity development interventions, to mention but a few.

According to him, the Civil Service is leveraging on the digitalization space to improve the capacity of staff, reap productivity gains in its performance management system, provide a transparent and equal opportunity procurement process to all eligible bidders located in any part of the world, deliver a more collaborative and customer-centric approach, as well as support the smooth running of public agencies’ business.

Nana Agyekum-Dwamena, who was speaking at the Press Launch of the 4th Edition of the Civil Service Week and Awards Ceremony, dubbed “Digitalisation in the Civil Service of Ghana: An Agenda for Improved Productivity and Service Delivery”, commended Civil Servants on exercising their mandate to ensure that Government business was continuing.

“I wish to recognize all Ministries and Departments for their enormous sacrifice in keeping the wheels of government business turning since the outbreak of the pandemic in March 2020 and during the political transition period in 2021”, he noted.

Calling on Civil Servants, he stressed that, “let us continue to collaborate with our partners in other Public Service Organizations and the Private Sector to drive the national development agenda and use the opportunity of the celebration of the Civil Service week to share innovative ideas and best practices to improve productivity”.

For his part, the Chief Director, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Mr. John Y. Agbeko, in his welcome address, said that, the week-long celebration presents the Service an opportunity to reflect on its achievements, educate and encourage citizen engagement as an effort to increase efficiency, accountability, and transparency in service delivery.

Adding that, “the annual event, rewards the arduous work of outstanding staff and officials who have contributed immensely to the growth of the Civil Service and our country over the years”.

The 4th Edition of the week-long celebration will be climaxed with an Awards Ceremony at the Alisa Hotels on July 29, 2022, with H. E. the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana as the Special Guest of Honour.

This year’s Awards ceremony seeks to honour about 100 Officers selected on merit from the various Ministries and Departments, for their excellence in the 2021 performance year. This is in line with the provision in section 88 of the Civil Service Act, 1993, Act 327. Other dignitaries who have contributed to the growth and development of the Civil Service over the years will also be recognized.

The 2022 Civil Service Week celebration, which commenced on Wednesday, July 20, is expected to end on Friday July 29, 2022.

On Wednesday July 20, there was a clean-up exercise within the Ministries enclave and surroundings.

Thanksgiving Service for Christian and Muslim Staff will be held on Friday, July 22, at the Nathan Quao Auditorium and Ministries Mosque respectively. Meanwhile, the Head of Service will pay a courtesy call on the National Chief Imam early hours on the same day.

From Monday, July 25, to Thursday, July 28, 2022, activities such as Policy Fair, Tourism Day and Health Screening will run concurrently each day.

On Tuesday, July 26, 2022, the President of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) will present a Public Lecture on the year’s theme with focus on the private sector perspective of the theme.

The 2022 celebration has seen the introduction of an inter-ministerial football tournament. Thus, the final matches will be played on July 27 and 28.

All Civil Service Staff are encouraged to participate in the programmes on the virtual space and be present in-person where required.

Social media handles for virtual participation are; Facebook: ohcsghana or clogsag; Twitter: civilserviceghana1; Website:; YouTube: civilservicegh or clogsag hq.

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