Government must reconsider Appointment of Civil Servants as MMDCEs and Assembly Members – Isaac Bampoe Addo News Image

Date Logo 4th October, 2021


Government must reconsider Appointment of Civil Servants as MMDCEs and Assembly Members – Isaac Bampoe Addo

The Executive Secretary of the Civil and Local Government Staff Association, Ghana (CLOGSAG), Mr. Isaac Bampoe Addo has called on Government to reconsider the appointment of Civil Servants to serve as Metropolitan, Municipal District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) and as Assembly Members. Noting that the practice goes against the Supreme Court ruling, the spirit of neutrality and also against the tenets of the 1992 Constitution.

He therefore charged Civil Servants to resign from the Service with immediate effect before sworn into office once declared winner at an Assembly election or appointed to serve as an Assembly Member otherwise face disciplinary actions.

The Executive Secretary who was speaking at the 4th Edition of the Nathan Anang Quao Excellence Awards, 2021 dubbed “Neutrality in Local Governance: non-partisan election of MMDCEs” noted that non-partisan election of MMDCEs is paramount to the development of Metropolitan, Municipal, District Assemblies (MMDAs). Stressing that to end discussions on the issue of non-partisan election of MMDCEs, there is a need for a referendum to enable Ghanaians to decide on whether to vote into office MMDCEs or not.

On behalf of the National Executive Council and the National Executive Committee of CLOGSAG he ceased the opportunity to congratulate the 2021 awardees while admonishing all on whom the searchlight has not shown on yet that opportunity awaits them in the subsequent years.

Noting the words of Mr. Nathan Anang Quao, he said in as much as it takes “the perfection of the Civil Servant to move this country forward and not the politician”, CLOGSAG continues to sponsor the annual event to sustain the idea of perfection in the Civil Service as well as the Local Government Service.

In a speech read on behalf of the Head of Civil Service, Nana Agyekum Dwamena, the Chief Director of the Office of the Head of Civil Service, Ing. Godwin Brocke called on members of CLOGSAG to remain active, professional and non-partisan actors in the governance system. Thus, emulating the life and conduct of Mr. Nathan Anang Quao. Noting that the 2021 theme seeks to expand the frontiers of the Neutrality Project as well as explore further areas of applicability to improve Ghana’s governance system.

The 4th Edition of the Annual Nathan Anang Quao Excellence Awards, a two-day ceremony held on 30th September and 1st October, 2021 commenced with a Public Lecture on the year’s theme delivered by Professor Joseph Atsu Ayee, Professor of Political Science, Political Science Department - University of Ghana, Legon.

In his presentation, Professor Ayee noted among others that partisan politics has become prevalent to the extent that some bureaucrats also engage in some politics. He opined that electing MMDCEs without political parties will be more dangerous than electing them on party lines where their activities can be regulated and managed for the avoidance of the abuse of their power.

The Open Forum session brought to the fore the need for sensitization of the populace on local governance issues and democratic process, especially on the positive impact of non-partisan election of MMDCEs. Typically, the extension of Public Lectures on Neutrality to the various Regions to enable them to benefit from the discourse had in Accra would significantly improve effective delivery of services and enhance transparency in the Public Services.

To add to, the need to foster an all-inclusive environment, where decision taking is not left in the hands of politicians in power alone but should be backed by all relevant stakeholders outside the political terrain.

It was also noted that the winner takes all syndrome will decrease significantly when MMDCEs are elected, as you may have members of opposing parties being part of governance. However, Political parties must tolerate each other and act nationally in the interest of the country.

The annual event instituted in 2017 by the Civil and Local Government Staff Association, Ghana (CLOGSAG) for both staff in active service and on retirement within the Civil and Local Government Services motivate the staff within the Services to strive for integrity, excellence, professionalism, leadership and that loyalty in anonymity pays.

At the 2021 Nathan Anang Quao awards ceremony, eleven awardees from the Civil and Local Government Services were honored under six (6) categories; Selflessness, Loyalty, Integrity, Leadership, Special and Ultimate Awards.

Mr. Woeli Kwaku Kemevor, a Rtd. Civil Servant - former Head of Civil Service was adjudged the Ultimate award winner and presented with a citation in recognition of his sterling performance as a Public Sector Management Expert over the last four decades. 

“CLOGSAG duly recognizes the enormous contributions you have made to the achievements of prevailing salary conditions. Your pivotal role and rich experience which you brought to bear on all the backroom wrangling leading to the resolution of the various salary related grievances under the Ghana Universal Salary Structure (GUSS) is still relevant”, a portion of the citation reads.

The presentation was made by the Head of Civil Service, Nana Agyekum Dwamena. All 2021 awardees of the 4th Nathan Anang Quao Excellence Awards were presented with citations, plaques, medals and an undisclosed cash prize.

On behalf of the 2021 Nathan Anang Quao Excellence Award winners, Mr. Kemevor commended CLOGSAG, particularly the leadership of CLOGSAG for the laudable initiative of instituting the Nathan Quao Excellence Awards and being recognized in the fourth series of the annual event.

He noted that “we did not serve our nation or support CLOGSAG because we expected to be given awards. We have done that as a matter of duty to our nation and our Association which we belong to and of course for a good course which seeks to promote the wellbeing of not only Ghanaians in general but Civil and Local Government Staff in particular”.

Adding to his words, he called on all retired and serving Officers to continue to support CLOGSAG to be strong and relevant to continuously negotiate better basic salary which is key to conditions of service. Stressing that Civil Servants must be mindful of the contributions they make while in service as “it will certainly catch the eye of those who matter”.

Pledging on behalf of the 2021 Award Winners, he said “these awards will not be the end of our service to our country and to CLOGSAG. We have been tasked to go the extra mile to support our respective organizations to push for better improvements in the well-being of Civil and Local Government Staff”.

Among the dignitaries at the ceremony were; the Head of Local Government Service – Dr. Nana Ato Arthur, Head of Civil Service – Nana Agyekum Dwamena, Chief Director, Office of the Head of Civil Service – Ing. Godwin Brocke, Chief Director, Local Government Service – Mr. James Oppong, Chief Director, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs – Dr. Evans Aggrey-Darkoh, Academicians, Politicians, Members of CLOGSAG as well as virtual participants. 

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